
PolyGonic Games: The Modus Operandi

Heh, it's been no secret that I tend to stay pretty busy. But now you're about to see why. Because I now own my own game development studio: PolyGonic Games. We're still getting everything taken care of, but we're also working towards our first release. More on that later.

The big thing today is that my studio needs help. Not money, but opinions. Because I don't want my studio to be another money-hogging development house that does nothing. I want it to be a studio that we can get a solid fanbase built for, not just because of our games (although yes, they will be by standards excellent, as you'll see in a minute) but because we work to make fans like us, and we do what's good for the fans and the industry. Step one of this process is getting some feedback on PolyGonic's Modus Operandi, the way we conduct business.m How we'll treat our games, our employees, etc. Hit the jump, give it a read, and then if you're feeling nice, give us some feedback. For me to make PolyGonic the best, we've got to start right.

PolyGonic Studios Modus Operandi

PolyGonic Studios is owned and operated by Otto Max Florschutz the IVth, the sole owner and proprietor.
Any and all games, concepts and related material is the property of PolyGonic Games, and therefore the property of its aforementioned owner. All rights, trademarks, and copyrighted material, as well as pending material, are thereby held within this declaration of ownership.

Business Structure
Permanent Employees
1. President/Owner (Exempt from hourly pay)
2. Janitorial Staff (when applicable)
3. Accountant(s)
4. Additional Employees as needed for servers, networks, etc

Temporary Employees
1. Game Development Staff
2. Marketing
3. Legal Staff (subject to change)

Profit Handling
20% of PolyGonic’s Net Income (per game) is held by PolyGonic
1. Infastructure
2. Permanent Employees
3. Licenses, Legal
4. Savings
5. This number may expand as needed in the event that 20% does not cover PolyGonic’s inherent costs.

80% of Profit (per game, including DLC patments) is split among the Game Development Team for that game
1. Each member of the Dev team earns a fixed % of the 80% by contract
2. No expiration date. If the game makes money, they do.
3. There is no promise of profit, but as long as there is profit, each member of the team will receive their share.

Game Production Cycle
1. Design Lead selects a new game to produce, prepares Game Bible
2. Contact of prior team members/recruitment of new team members to develop game
3. Game Development is started
4. Game is finished, released
5. Game Development Team is disbanded
  • Exception: DLC Production
  • Team members are kept on to produce free and for profit DLC
  • Does not have to be the whole team

Game Policies

1. If any game developed by PolyGonic studios is no longer being sold, and PolyGonic has no further plans to market the game/series inside of five years, PolyGonic will either

  • Make the game freeware
  • Endeavor to release an affordable “Classic” version

2. Fan Works deriving from PolyGonic Games Property, including
  • Fangames
  • Mods
  • Fan Patches

Are both allowed and encouraged. PolyGonic will not block or take action against such unless they
  • Violate PolyGonic Games Right of Profit
  • Damage PolyGonic’s reputation or business plan
  • Contain material or content PolyGonic deems obejectionable

3. DRM is bad, and players hate it. The only ones it really hurts are the paying customers, and therefore PolyGonic games will never restrict their games with DRM (the one exception shall be Steam because it works and is very non-invasive). Game produced by PolyGonic also must be able to work without an active internet connection when possible, and should not contain an active tracking/call-in system.
  • PolyGonic may require a CD Code Key or come with a release date lockdown

4. PolyGonic will not release an unfinished, buggy, or otherwise incomplete game, even if it means missing a Christmas release. PolyGonic will only release polished, completed, tested titles.

5. PolyGonic will release regular balance/stability patches and compatability updates for at least five years after a release.

6. Any and all DLC will be appropriately priced, aiming for about a dollar per hour of additional content. Lesser material (new items, single maps and bonuses) should also be released for free.

7. All games shall be capable of auto-updating. (Who wants to hunt down a patch?)

8. No game developed by PolyGonic should run in the background when not active. This is a game, not a mal-ware product.

9. PolyGonic will not release games that
  • Exceed an M rating
  • Contain excessive amounts of blood, gore, sex, brutal content or language
  • Contain any sort of pornographic content or nudity
  • Would reflect poorly on the company or the game industry as a whole (tasteless titles)

Studio Policy
1. PolyGonic is a family open business. Employees should be able to bring their children and spouses to work if needed.

2. Foul language should be kept at a bare minimum, if at all.

3. No pornographic or lewd material shall be allowed in PolyGonics offices. No exceptions.

4. Employees will be given a full day off for their spouses birthdays.

5. PolyGonic will have “Bring your family to work days” where the action of “Work” is debatable

6. Vacation Policy
  • All Holidays (need to define these) will be vacation days or periods. In the event that a holiday must unavoidably be worked, employees will be given the choice of working the break or taking it off. Those who choose to work the break will be given triple-time vacations at a later point on the project.
  • Following a titles release, there will be a one month “grace period” for those who were involved with the project who stay rather then leave.
  • Exception: Those who stay to fix bugs/make patches/DLC will be granted bonuses from company savings

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